Yellow Tara Mantra Miracles, Meaning & Significance in English

Yellow Tara Mantra Miracles & Meaning: The Yellow Tara, also known as the Goddess of Wealth and Abundance, is a revered deity in Tibetan Buddhism. Her mantra is a powerful tool for invoking her blessings, attracting prosperity, and removing obstacles.

The Yellow Tara mantra is “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha.” When you chant the Yellow Tara mantra with devotion and focus, you are essentially calling upon the blessings and qualities associated with Tara.

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Yellow Tara Mantra Miracles

Chanting the Yellow Tara mantra with sincerity and devotion is believed to bring about various miraculous outcomes in one’s life:

1) Health and Longevity: The mantra is associated with extending one’s life and improving overall health.

2) Removal of Obstacles: It is said to clear obstacles, both external and internal, that hinder progress on the spiritual path or in daily life.

3) Wisdom and Clarity: The mantra is believed to enhance one’s wisdom and clarity of thought, aiding in decision-making and problem-solving.

4) Abundance and Prosperity: Chanting the mantra with pure intentions may attract abundance and prosperity into one’s life.

5) Transformation and Liberation: Yellow Tara is often seen as a swift and compassionate deity who can help individuals transform their lives and find liberation from suffering.

Yellow Tara Mantra Meaning

The Yellow Tara Mantra, also known as the “Parnashavari Mantra” or “Sita Tara Mantra,” is a sacred mantra used in Tibetan Buddhism and other Vajrayana traditions.

It is associated with Tara, a prominent female deity in Tibetan Buddhism known for her compassion, wisdom, and ability to protect and guide practitioners on their spiritual journey.

The Yellow Tara, in particular, is associated with healing and removing obstacles, making this mantra especially potent for those seeking physical and mental well-being.

The Yellow Tara Mantra is chanted as follows: “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha.”

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Now, let’s break down the mantra and its meaning in detail:

1) “Om” (“Aum”):

“Om” is a sacred syllable and is often considered the primordial sound of the universe. It represents the essence of the ultimate reality or consciousness. In this mantra, it signifies Tara’s enlightened nature.

2) “Tare”:

“Tare” is the first part of the mantra and is repeated twice. It is the seed syllable for Tara, representing her essence. When chanted, it invokes Tara’s presence and blessings.

3) “Tuttare”:

“Tuttare” is the second part of the mantra, also repeated twice. It is associated with liberation from suffering and protection from various obstacles and dangers.

4) “Ture”:

“Ture” is the third part of the mantra, repeated twice. It signifies Tara’s ability to overcome all forms of suffering and adversity. It represents her power and fearlessness.

5) “Mama”:

“Mama” means “my” or “mine.” It is a possessive pronoun indicating that the practitioner is seeking Tara’s blessings for themselves or on behalf of someone else.

6) “Ayuh”:

“Ayuh” means “life” or “longevity.” Chanting this part of the mantra invokes Tara’s blessings for a long and healthy life.

7) “Punya”:

“Punya” refers to virtue, merit, or good deeds. Chanting this part of the mantra invokes Tara’s blessings to accumulate positive karma and merit.

8) “Jñana”:

“Jñana” means wisdom or knowledge. Chanting this part of the mantra invokes Tara’s blessings for wisdom and insight.

9) “Pustim”:

“Pustim” means nourishment or abundance. Chanting this part of the mantra invokes Tara’s blessings for material and spiritual abundance.

10) “Kuru”:

“Kuru” means “make” or “bestow.” It is an imperative form, requesting Tara to bestow the mentioned qualities and blessings.

11) “Svaha”:

“Svaha” is a common mantra-ending term. It is often used to offer something to the deity, surrendering the desired qualities or blessings to Tara’s grace.

In summary, the Yellow Tara Mantra is a powerful invocation to the Yellow Tara, a manifestation of the compassionate and healing aspects of Tara. When chanted with devotion and understanding, this mantra is believed to bring about physical and mental healing, protection from obstacles, and the accumulation of merit, wisdom, and abundance in one's life.

Significance of Yellow Tara Mantra

The Yellow Tara Mantra is a sacred mantra associated with Tara, a revered deity in Tibetan Buddhism and other forms of Buddhism.

Tara is often regarded as a compassionate and protective bodhisattva, a being who has chosen to delay their own enlightenment in order to help others achieve it.

Tara is particularly associated with qualities such as compassion, healing, protection, and swift assistance in times of trouble. The Yellow Tara Mantra holds great significance and is believed to invoke her blessings and protection.

The Yellow Tara Mantra is typically chanted or recited, and it goes like this:

➤ “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha.”

Now, let’s break down the significance of this mantra in detail:

1) Invocation of Tara: The mantra begins with “Om,” which is a sacred syllable representing the essence of the universe. “Tare Tuttare Ture” are the main seed syllables that represent Tara in her various forms. Each of these seed syllables is associated with specific qualities and aspects of Tara.

2) Blessings for Longevity and Health: “Mama Ayuh” means “my life.” By reciting this mantra, practitioners seek blessings from Tara for a long and healthy life. Tara is often associated with the granting of longevity and protection from diseases and obstacles.

3) Accumulation of Merit and Wisdom: “Punya” represents merit or good deeds, and “Jñana” stands for wisdom or knowledge. Reciting this mantra is believed to help accumulate both merit and wisdom, which are essential for spiritual growth and liberation.

4) Nourishment and Prosperity: “Pustim” refers to nourishment and sustenance. By chanting this mantra, one seeks Tara’s blessings for physical and spiritual nourishment and prosperity.

5) Invocation and Offerings: The word “Kuru” means “make” or “do,” and “Svaha” is a common ending in many Buddhist mantras, which signifies an offering. In this context, it can be seen as an offering of one’s intentions to Tara. By chanting this mantra and making offerings, practitioners demonstrate their devotion and request Tara’s assistance.

Overall, the Yellow Tara Mantra is a powerful tool for seeking Tara's blessings for a long and healthy life, as well as for accumulating merit, wisdom, prosperity, and protection. It is often used in various Buddhist rituals, meditation practices, and for invoking Tara's compassionate presence in one's life. 

Does Yellow Tara Mantra Work?

The effectiveness of the Yellow Tara mantra, like any mantra or spiritual practice, is a matter of belief and personal experience. Its impact can vary from person to person.

Many practitioners believe that chanting the Yellow Tara mantra can bring positive influences, blessings, and protection into their lives.

However, whether it “works” or not depends on individual faith, devotion, and the sincerity with which the mantra is practiced.

In Buddhism and other spiritual traditions, the efficacy of mantras is often seen as intertwined with one’s own inner disposition, intentions, and the depth of their practice.

It’s important to remember that mantras are not necessarily magic spells but are tools to aid in spiritual development, mindfulness, and connection with higher states of consciousness.

Ultimately, whether the Yellow Tara mantra “works” is a subjective matter, and individuals may have different experiences and outcomes based on their beliefs and practices.

How to Worship Yellow Tara?

Worshipping Yellow Tara, also known as Tara Vasudhara, is a practice in Tibetan Buddhism. Here are the steps to worship Yellow Tara:

1) Set up an Altar: Find a quiet and clean space to create an altar. Place a clean cloth or mat on a table or any raised surface.

2) Image or Statue of Yellow Tara: Obtain an image or statue of Yellow Tara if possible. If not, you can print a picture of Yellow Tara and place it on your altar.

3) Offerings: Prepare offerings to Yellow Tara. Traditional offerings include water, flowers, incense, a lamp or candle, fruits, and sweets. Place these offerings on your altar.

4) Invocation: Begin by purifying your mind and creating a sacred atmosphere. You can do this by lighting the incense and the lamp or candle, which symbolizes wisdom and enlightenment.

5) Recite Mantra: Chant the mantra associated with Yellow Tara. The primary mantra for Yellow Tara is:

➥ “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Vasudhara Svaha” You can recite this mantra multiple times, focusing on its meaning and visualizing Yellow Tara in your mind.

6) Meditation: Spend some time in meditation, connecting with the energy and qualities of Yellow Tara. You can visualize her radiating golden light and feel her compassionate presence.

7) Prayers and Requests: Offer your prayers and requests to Yellow Tara. You can ask for her blessings, guidance, protection, or assistance with specific concerns in your life.

8) Dedication: Conclude your worship session by dedicating the merit of your practice to the benefit of all sentient beings. Express your gratitude to Yellow Tara for her blessings.

9) Daily Practice: It is beneficial to make Yellow Tara worship a part of your daily spiritual routine. Consistency and devotion can deepen your connection with her.

10) Study and Learning: Consider studying more about Yellow Tara, her symbolism, and the specific benefits associated with her practice. This will enhance your understanding and devotion.

11) Respect and Cleanliness: Maintain the cleanliness of your altar and show respect to the sacred space you’ve created for Yellow Tara. Offer fresh offerings regularly.

12) Seek Guidance: If you are new to Tibetan Buddhism or Yellow Tara practice, it may be helpful to seek guidance from a qualified teacher or Lama who can provide you with more detailed instructions and teachings.

Remember that the practice of Yellow Tara, like any form of religious or spiritual worship, should be approached with sincerity and respect. It is a personal and deeply meaningful practice that can help you connect with compassion, wisdom, and abundance.