Shri Guru Datta Raj Murti Aarti Lyrics – श्री गुरू दत्तराज मूर्ती ओवाळितो प्रेमे आरती

Shri Guru Datta Raj Murti Aarti Lyrics: श्री गुरु दत्त राज मूर्ती आरती ही ब्रह्मा, विष्णू आणि शिव यांच्या पवित्र त्रिमूर्तीचा अवतार मानल्या जाणार्‍या हिंदू देवता, भगवान दत्तात्रेय यांच्या स्तुतीमध्ये गायली जाणारी भक्ती प्रार्थना आहे. आरती हा हिंदू परंपरेचा एक भाग आहे आणि भगवान दत्तात्रेयांचा आशीर्वाद घेण्यासाठी भक्तांद्वारे… Read More

Gurucharitra Adhyay 14 in Marathi – गुरुचरित्र अध्याय १४

Gurucharitra Adhyay 14 in Marathi: Gurucharitra Adhyay 14 is a part of the sacred Hindu text “Shri Guru Charitra” which recounts the life and teachings of the great saint Dattatreya and his disciples. This adhyay is divided into 48 verses and describes… Read More

Digambara Digambara in Marathi – दिगंबरा दिगंबरा श्रीपाद वल्लभ दिगंबरा

Digambara Digambara in Marathi: “Digambara Digambara Shripad Vallabh Digambara” is a Hindu mantra usually connected with the worship of Lord Dattatreya, a Hindu deity who is thought to be an incarnation of the Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva… Read More

Mangal Chandika Stotram Benefits in Hindi | English – मंगल चंडिका स्तोत्रम्

Mangal Chandika Stotram Benefits in Hindi: Mangal Chandika Stotram is a powerful prayer in the Hindu tradition that is dedicated to Goddess Chandika or Chandi. The stotram consists of 51 verses or shlokas that describe the qualities and attributes of the goddess… Read More

Nitya Pathachya Bechalis Ovya – नित्यपाठाच्या बेचाळीस ओव्या pdf

Nitya Pathachya Bechalis Ovya Pdf: The title “Nitya Pathachya Bechalis Ovya” is in the Marathi Language. Every day, many families used to chant the ovyas. These ovyas are in honour of God Shiva. The merits of God Shiva are discussed. There is a holy Pothi (book)… Read More